My beautiful niece Gracie was recently diagnosed with Neuroblastoma (cancer). It is still early in the diagnosis and we are awaiting results to know more about the fight that Gracie will face. I've created this blog as an outlet for friends and family to stay informed about her journey and a way for friends and family to make anonymous contributions towards her care and the mounting expenses her family will face. Gracie is a fighter and the bravest 3 year old I know. Hundreds of people love you Gracie and are praying for you. "Be strong and of good courage for the Lord thy God is with thee" Joshua 1:9

Friday, December 3, 2010

PICU (again)

Gracie is back at the PICU. She said she was tired last night around 9 and that she was cold and had a headache. I took her temperature and it was normal and gave her lortab for the pain. a couple hours later she woke up puking and she was very hot! I took her temperature again and it was 104. so i immediatly knew we needed to take her in (obviously, right) so I called the oncologist and they said to bring her in. I took her in and they drew blood cultures from all 3 lines and started anibiotics and saline fluids.They gave her 3 saline boluses, Her blood pressure was normal at that point but it quickly dropped very low. getting down to 30/13 toward morning so they transferred her to the PICU to start a dopamine drip to increase her bp. She has been there at the PICU for about 4 hours and no change in her bp.(it was 42/15 when i came home just now for a nap. she is on the dopamine and also albumin along with 2 antibiotics. Her first blood culture already came back positive for bacteria which was very fast. it usually takes 24-48 hours. The doctor said she has pretty significant sepsis and will likely be taking out her double lumen line and possibly her port. She is in a lot of pain throughout her body. Please pray for her pain to be lessened and that the infection will be cleared from her body. My mom is on a plane now and will be here this afternoon. So thankful for her and also those who help watch my kids. xoxo