My beautiful niece Gracie was recently diagnosed with Neuroblastoma (cancer). It is still early in the diagnosis and we are awaiting results to know more about the fight that Gracie will face. I've created this blog as an outlet for friends and family to stay informed about her journey and a way for friends and family to make anonymous contributions towards her care and the mounting expenses her family will face. Gracie is a fighter and the bravest 3 year old I know. Hundreds of people love you Gracie and are praying for you. "Be strong and of good courage for the Lord thy God is with thee" Joshua 1:9

Sunday, March 13, 2011

round 3 antibodies

They started the ch14.18 at 9:15 m and we went to the playroom to take advantage of the time she was feeling well. The doctor came and saw her around 12:30 and said she looks great and I said yeah but the other times, the pain has started at 1. Sure enough, 1:00 rolled around, and here comes the massive headache! She was on the morphine pump just like the other times, and Brandon had told me that people get headaches from morphine, so I asked if we could try a different pain med and they didnt think it was the morphine causing the headache, since headaches are also a side effect of the antibody. They said to finish out the day on the morphine and then Tuesday they started her on fentanyl. Tuesday went a little better. that night she started puking almost every hour. Wednesday she kept on puking so I thought maybe its the fentanyl, but they said it probably wasnt. I was a little frustrated and called Brandon. The minute I heard his voice I started crying, which wasnt a good thing to do because that makes him think something awful has happened, not just my crazy emotions! The night was a little better as far as puking goes, which made me think, it was just the antibody, since it was done and the fentanyl was still running. They just gave her ativan and zofran scheduled around the clock, and that seemed to help. Thursday went the best and we were able to leave Friday at noon.

She was pretty grouchy all week and not feeling well, so the pics I got were of her sleeping :)
On the way home there was a lot of smoke, and traffic was at a standstill. I guess there were alot of grass fires from the dry hot air and the wind.

Saturday we went to chuck e cheese's and it was a lot of fun. Her hair is growing back very quickly Tomorrow we will drive back down for her clinic appointment. She will also start her accutane tomorrow as well. She is not looking forward to that because it makes her so itchy and grouchy.
Please pray for her to gain weight and not puke!!! also her joints hurt a whole lot. thank you.


  1. Poor chickie. I am sad that she is still struggling so much with pain. However, I am so very glad that she is not dealing with some of those other issues that you guys have faced. Her hair looks beautiful! Continued prayers for her and your family.

  2. Loving her hair! I just spent a few hours reading your blog, I am amazed by how strong little Gracie is! Actually, your whole family :) I will add Gracie to my prayers.

  3. Bless her little heart for being such a trooper!
