My beautiful niece Gracie was recently diagnosed with Neuroblastoma (cancer). It is still early in the diagnosis and we are awaiting results to know more about the fight that Gracie will face. I've created this blog as an outlet for friends and family to stay informed about her journey and a way for friends and family to make anonymous contributions towards her care and the mounting expenses her family will face. Gracie is a fighter and the bravest 3 year old I know. Hundreds of people love you Gracie and are praying for you. "Be strong and of good courage for the Lord thy God is with thee" Joshua 1:9

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Good News

I love this picture of Gracie and her Daddy!

The many prayers are working!! Brandon and Lisa have received so much strength through the prayers of hundreds of people, probably thousands by now with the countless prayer rolls of many faiths she has been added to. We know that there is a loving God in heaven who hears and answers prayers. He has lifted and held Gracie and her family.
In addition to the added strength they have received it is no small miracle that her latest tests have been good results! Gracie has undergone numerous tests in the past few days and most have delivered good news! It appears that the cancer has not spread to other areas of her body. Her bone marrow and bones have not been affected either. Gracie is still considered a high risk patient because of her age and because lymphnodes on both sides of her body are affected. She will have another test tomorrow to make sure other areas are good and they won't know the final staging until late next week.... Okay, So,really I don't understand what any of that means and that, is even the condensed english version not the confusing Dr. Jargon. What I do understand that it could be worse! So we will celebrate the good news. Thank you to all of you for the many prayers offered on her behalf!
Gracie will start chemotherapy tomorrow and I can only imagine how difficult that is going to be. She has not been feeling well at all today and that is BEFORE chemo I know the chemo is going to make our sweet little Gracie very sick and that will be hard to see. Lisa said she washed Gracie's hair yesterday and realized it would probably be the last time in a long time. But...She will be one stylish girl with some cute hats and hair bows she's been given.
And I can't leave out the other kids. Shad, Chloe and Von have been doing great and are real troopers. They miss having mom and dad and Gracie home but are being well cared for by Grandma D and Grandpa & Grandma B and Aunt Shayla! Good thing that baby Von is an easy baby and Shad and Chloe are such good helpers!
Once again, thank you Mostly for the prayers but also the donations!! This will be a long fight physically emotionally and unfortunately Financially! Every bit helps!

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